Date of event: This Event occurred Sept. 18, 2024
What is CLEETS: At CLEETS, climate, energy, data science, and transportation experts come together to accelerate decarbonization of road transportation.
What is CLEETS doing: The team is working to advance interdisciplinary research and education and accelerate equitable use-inspired decarbonized road transportation pathways by engaging government, private sector, industry, and end-user communities.
What the session will cover: The session will address the societal, behavioral, economic, engineering, and policy dimensions of the current challenges in decarbonizing the road transportation sector and climate change.
CLEETS Overview: 8:00-8:05 am
Panel: 8:05-8:40 am Emissions related discussion
8:40-9:00 am: Moderated discussion
Panel: 9:00-9:40 am Technology-driven discussion

Andrew Chapman, Kyushu University, Japan
9:40-10:00 am: Moderated discussion
Panel: 10:00-10:40 am Policy-driven discussion

Marty Anderies, Arizona State University, USA