Multidisciplinary path, global ambition

CLEETS will generate multidisciplinary knowledge in transportation engineering, material science, civil engineering, computing, social sciences, and atmospheric science. The project is designed using the concept of use-inspired research, a concept that teams up scientists and engineers to address climate challenges and grow a diverse STEM workforce.

Global Reach

Climate change and heavy fossil-fueled transportation threaten global energy security
and economic growth. A fossil fuel-based transportation sector is vulnerable to price
volatility, geopolitical risks, and tensions. Decarbonizing transportation will ensure
energy security against geopolitical shocks and provide a sustainable living environment
for communities worldwide.

Long-term fuel opportunities

The US and the UK are taking a leadership role in combating climate
change and accelerating clean energy adoption by implementing science-founded
climate-neutral policies and interventions.

Two regions with transformational potential


Mode of transportation Share of current transportation emissions
Car US:49%/ UK:52%
Bus US:14%/ UK:16%
Truck US:7%/ UK:19%
Mode of transportation Battery/ electric
Car Greatest
Bus Large
Truck Limited
Mode of transportation Hydrogen
Car N/A
Bus Limited
Truck Greatest